Pastor Leke Adeboye is a man of GOD... ~ Dr Stephen Akintayo

Pastor Leke Adeboye Dr. Stephen Akintayo Pastor Leke Adeboye is a man of GOD that is still A man after all. I got that call that everyone will get about you and I. Mummy is dead! I had pastored a church campus fellowship prior to the news. I had prayed for members who were sick and even their parent. As I meditate on my loss, I suddenly realized the excos I led didn’t call for prayer for my dying mother. That hurt! I have served this people with everything and the most important human in my life was dying and they didn’t care that much. The next day, I still had to preach to them. A man of GOD is a Man afterall! Many of us expect pastors to be perfect! Before they became pastor, who were they? HUMAN!!! The biggest danger of the Pentecostal Movement is not the devil, he has always been there! The biggest danger is expectation of perfection without perfect LOVE. Click Ad: LINKS OF FLYERS, PICTURES AND VIDEO TO OUR ESTATE LAND AVAILABLE FOR SALE W...