I know Ibeju-lekki very well and part of what I know very about it is it's the new Lagos. Aside that it hosts the Largest REFINERY and Petrochemical plant in sub-saharan Africa; DANGOTE REFINERY. The communities displaced from where the REFINERY presently sits were displaced to Oshoroko , origanrigan and olomowewe the closest of which is Oshoroko . I also know that DANGOTE REFINERY will start operations in the first quarter of 2019 and he can't cater for the housing of all his staff and those that will be doing business with the company which is why mega real estate company has taken the initiative to provide affordable housing in form of lands with C of O in this area and one of them is LEKKI ROYAL GARDEN it's 2 minutes drive from DANGOTE REFINERY, 5 minutes from Lekki free trade zone, LEKKI Deep sea port a host of tank farms, Power Oil and a host of other giant companies on this axis. Take this opportunity to own a piece of our C-of-O titled prop...